
NdP_Dietistas-nutricionistas advierten de los peligros de consumir bebidas energéticas para "a…

30-05-2024 Hits:176 Actividades

El consumo de este tipo de bebidas entre los jóvenes ha aumentado casi un 10% en los últimos diez años, y el 50% de ellos afirma consumirlas con regularidad Manuel Moñino, pre... Read more

COVID-19 updates


We have collated and translated all the information we have received from our members to help dietitians, and other healthcare professionals across Europe, to offer optimal nutritional support to patients with COVID-19.

In order to make this information as accessible and as easy to navigate as possible, we have split the information and resources we have received into the following categories:

These pages will continue to be updated with information and resources as we receive them. Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. any resources you may have produced in response to COVID-19. 


EFAD and ENDietS webinars

ENDietS have collated their own webinars along with EFAD webinars into a playlist for nutrition information for risk groups relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Watch the playlist here.


PEN is now open access

With the spread of COVID-19, the day-to-day practice of dietitians, dietetic students and interns around the world has changed fundamentally.

During this period, PEN is now open access!

Log in here.

WHO launches chatbot

The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently launched a chatbot app in order to get acute COVID-19 information available to people in multiple languages. The partnership with Rakuten Viber gives WHO the potential to reach over 1 billion people in their local language directly through their mobile phones.

Access the app here.


Global Nutricia Webinar Series

A Global Nutricia webinar series focusing on Intensive Care Units has been launched in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

Watch the previous webinar on 'Managing the nutrition support of COVID-19 patients in ICU'

Register to attend the upcoming webinar on 'Strategies for the nutritional management of COVID-9 patients here post-ICU' on 12 May at 5pm (CEST).



Upcoming ENDietS webinar

The next ENDietS webinar will take place on 28 May, 7pm (CEST) - 'Fuelling for the work required: the art and science of carbohydrate periodisation', hosted by James Morton, Professor of Exercise Metabolisms at Liverpool John Moores University.

The webinar will discuss the concept of ensuring high carbohydrate availability before, during and after competition in order to promote performance and recover. They will also outline the translation of science to practice to achieve the nutritional objectives of CHO periodisation.

Register now!


Accessing EFAD policy papers

A number of our policy papers are now available online.

This includes:

See our papers.



European Public Health Week 2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Public Health Week (EUPHW), 11-15 May, is changing focus: Joining Forces for Healthier Populations.

Governments, scientists, health professionals and the civil society must work together to tackle the pandemic and raise awareness about public health.

EUPHW is encouraging you and your team to host online events 11-15 May to share knowledge and experiences about COVID-19. You can link the pandemic to any of the 5 EUPHW themes or focus your event exclusively on COVID-19 and share your event across Europe. 

Find out more and how to get involved on the European Public Health Association website.



Innovative Teaching Approaches

The International Union of Food Science and Technology is conducting a survey on Innovative Teaching Approaches in Food Studies. Their Education Committee has prepared the online survey to be completed by educators in the field of food higher education.

The main objective of this survey is to:

  • Evaluate the status of higher education teachers on the use of different teaching resources, especially open access, and methods in the field of food studies.
  • Assist in the preparedness with methods and resources that can accelerate change due to the anticipation that the COVID-19 pandemic will lead to significant changes in methods and resources for teaching.

Find out more and take the survey.


Online Learning

CME-accredited content covering diabetes and obesity

The Academy for Science and Continuing Education in Diabetes (ASCEND) is a CME-accredited programme designed to improve the care of people living with diabetes and obesity worldwide. Led by an international faculty, ASCEND provides practical, independent content about diabetes and weight management for medical practitioners.

Find out more.


Call for submissions

Contribute to a special edition of Applied Sciences journal

A special issue of the journal of Applied Sciences focusing on "Functional Foods and Human Health" has put out a call for journal submissions.
The submission deadline is 31 October 2020. Submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Authors are encouraged to send a short abstract or tentative title to the Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. in advance.

Find out more and how to apply.


Subscribe to this Newsflash


We hope you have enjoyed your new-look EFAD Newsflash. Any Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la., would be appreciated.


To help spread the Voice of European Dietetics across the continent, please share widely with your colleagues and ask them to subscribe. Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. you wish to be included in the next edition and note that going forward, EFAD Newsflash will be sent fortnightly.

Our ongoing response to COVID-19


As part of our ongoing response to COVID-19 we are continuing to update our webpage, which earlier this month was featured in the European Commission EU Health Policy update.

We have collated, and in some cases translated (using Google Translate), all the information we have received from our members to help dietitians, other health professionals and the general public, across Europe to offer optimal nutritional support to patients with COVID-19 virus.

A number of European Associations have produced guidance, which can be found on the EFAD website. 

With currently over 30 resources available on our response page, we will continue to add information as we receive it. Read our members responses here.


EU Food Industry COVID-19 response

The EU food and drink industry is working around the clock to ensure that everybody can continue to access safe, quality and affordable food and drink products during the COVID-19 pandemic.

A number of publications have been published including the industry's actions and activities. Access them here.

COVID-19: What dietitians need to know

In this 2 part webinar series, Dr Emma Ridley discussed the nutritional management of COVID-19 patients who are critically ill. In the second webinar Dr Peter Collins discusses nutritional support for patients with severe respiratory disease: from hospital to home. 

These webinar recordings are available now.


Contribute to the PIE platform

European PRImary care Multi-prOfessional REsearcher network (PRIMORE) started in 2018 and will run for three years using funding from the Norwegian Research Council. 

The overall objectives of the project are:

  • Exchange of research in Europe between the different professional groups and levels of care active in primary care
  • Development of interprofessional research on the organization of primary care with a focus on young researchers from CEE countries
  • Increase of interest and respect for each other’s profession among primary care professionals
  • A growing evidence base for Community Oriented Primary Care

As part of this project, the PIE platform has been developed as a way to allow healthcare professionals to share resources. In response to COVID-19, PIE is allowing you to:

  • Share your country's experiences with the pandemic within your primary care practices.
  • Develop a brief report of what is going on in your country. Each day the European Forum for Primary Care(EFPC) secretariat will edit the text to make it readable for all users. The findings will be presented regularly on the EFPC communication channels.
  • Contribute to the EFPC survey on the organisation of Primary Care for COVID-19. THe survey is split into two parts, the process and guidance and the second on experience and observations.

Find out more about PIE



Almost half of EFAD members endorse our White Paper

Our white paper 'Sustainable Health Through the Life Span' has been endorsed by almost half of all EFAD members. Along with our paper we also produced an infographic to illustrate the key points of the paper.

Read the paper here.


The importance of Outcomes Management in Dietetics

Our policy paper from our Professional Practice Committee on the importance of outcomes management in dietetics has launched. This paper provides a number of recommendations and online resources to ensure the you can safely record your outcomes.

Read the paper.

Use your EFAD discount

There is still time to use your EFAD discount to get 20% off the Monash University online course 'The FODMAP Diet for IBS'
Discounts for this course have been assigned depending on location. 

  • Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, UK - please use the code EFAD20
  • Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey - please use the code EFAD2020
  • Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden - please use the code EFADMARCH

Register now.


27th ENDietS Webinar

The ENDietS webinar 'Fuelling for the work required: the art and science of carbohydrate periodisation' will take place on 28 May, 7pm (CEST). 

The concept of ensuring high carbohydrate availability before, during and after competition in order to promote performance and recovery is well documented in both science and practice. In this webinar, James Morton, Professor of Exercise Metabolisms at Liverpool John Moores University, will discuss the transition from paper to podium by outlining the translation of science to practice (as practised by Grand Tour winning cyclists) to achieve the nutritional objectives of CHO periodisation.

Register now!


European Updates

“Cancer care: why nutrition matters”

Optimal Nutritional Care for All have developed an infographic to raise awareness on the burden of malnutrition among cancer patients and call for integration of nutritional care in cancer treatment.

See the infographics.


Contribute to work across Europe

Contribute to a special edition of Applied Sciences journal

A special issue of the journal of Applied Sciences focusing on "Functional Foods and Human Health" has put out a call for journal submissions.
The submission deadline is 31 October 2020. Submitted papers should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. It is also encouraged that authors send a short abstract or tentative title to the Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. in advance.

Find out more and how to apply.



FIT4FOOD2030 webinar series

International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) Europe is organizing the ‘FIT4FOOD 2030 webinar series: Towards sustainable food systems through Research and Innovation’

The European project FIT4FOOD2030, has organised together with EUFIC and ILSI this free webinar series which aims to advocate responsible research and innovation and system thinking for food system transformation. The goal of this webinar series is to use the FOOD 2030 policy framework and FIT4FOOD2030 project as case studies for using research and innovation (R&I) policy for food system transformation.

Register now to find out when the next webinar will take place.


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To help spread the Voice of European Dietetics across the continent, please share widely with your colleagues and ask them to subscribe. Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. you wish to be included in the next edition and note that going forward, EFAD Newsflash will be sent fortnightly.

EFAD newsflash - Our response to COVID-19







The voice of European Dietetics 
Welcome to your fortnightly EFAD Newsflash - please share this important update with your colleagues and ask them to subscribe. 

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Our response to COVID-19

Dietitians across Europe have much to contribute to the fight against COVID-19, through dietetic advice on prevention, critical care and recovery. EFAD wishes all our members health and strength during these difficult times.

Annemieke van Ginkel-Res EFAD Honorary President
Judith Liddell EFAD Executive Director

EFAD has collated, and in some cases translated (using Google Translate), all the information we have received from our members to help dietitians, other health professionals and the general public, across Europe to offer optimal nutritional support to patients with COVID-19 virus.

This includes responses from

A number of other European Associations have also produced guidance, which can be found on the EFAD website. We will continue to add information as we receive it. Read our members responses here.


Survey on the impact of COVID-19 quarantine on dietary habits

The University of Granada in collaboration with other partners in Europe is running an online survey to estimate the impact of quarantine on the dietary habits of people living in Greece, Italy, Portugal, France, Germany and Spain.

Contribute to the survey here.


Webinars on COVID-19

'COVID-19: European Coordinated Response to the pandemic' - webinar tomorrow

On Friday 3 April from 11 am-12:30 pm CET, the EU Health Policy Platform will host a live webinar “COVID-19: European Coordinated Response to the pandemic”. The webinar will start by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) presenting an epidemiological situation and risk assessment of COVID-19. The European Commission will then give an overview on how it is supporting the Member States in this pandemic.

See the agenda and register to attend.


COVID-19 – Nutritional Support in the ICU

Please join the BDA Critical Care Specialist Group on Monday 6 April,  6:30pm – 7:45pm (BST) at this webinar, hosted by Nutricia, which will cover:

  • the new BDA Critical Care Specialist Group guidance on COVID 19 and nutrition and dietetic service management
  • a look at the COVID 19 patient
  • how treatment can impact on nutritional status
  • sharing of current experience and best practice in the nutritional management of these patients.

You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions.

This webinar is free and intended for healthcare professionals only. All views expressed are those of the speakers and not Nutricia.

Register now.

Nutritional Management of Patients with COVID-19: New ESPEN Recommendations

Pierre Singer MD, Intensive Care, Gastroenterology and Nutrition Expert and Co-author of the ESPEN Recommendations for COVID-19 Patients will host this webinar on Monday 6 April, 6pm - 6:20pm (CET)

Dr Singer has over 30 years of clinical and academic experience. He currently maintains appointments as the Director of the General Intensive Care Department and the Institute for Nutrition Research (2000-present), at the Rabin Medical Center, and Director of Metabolism Laboratory at the Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Tel Aviv University, Israel. He was the Chairman of ESPEN (European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism) (2004-2008) and has published more than 300 articles.

Register here.



EFAD discounts extended until April!

Receive a 20% discount on the Monash University online course 'The FODMAP Diet for IBS' the deadline for this great offer is 30 April.

This 10 module online course focuses on the dietetic management of IBS and the FODMAP diet. The course provides scientific rationale and practical information and resources for dietitians wanting to specialise in this area of practice.

Discount codes have been assigned depending on your location.

  • Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Switzerland, UK - please use the code EFAD20
  • Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey - please use the code EFAD2020
  • Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden - please use the code EFADMARCH

Registered Dietitians who pass this course will be eligible to be listed on the Monash FODMAP Dietitian Directory, which connects patients with IBS to dietitians who have completed the training.

Register now!


EFAD Executive Committee Meeting

The EFAD Executive Committee held the annual face to face Executive Committee Meeting virtually this year.

Over two days we discussed Strategic Planning, the 31st General Meeting agenda, Projects, Transparency and Collaborations. With regular breaks and a lot of goodwill, it proved to be a highly successful and enjoyable meeting.

The minutes of this meeting will be made available soon.

Rewatch our recent webinar

We recently uploaded our webinar on Mediterranean diet and non-alcholic fatty liver disease. 

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most prevalent liver disorder in Western countries. At present, no formally approved pharmacological or surgical therapy exists for the management of NAFLD and lifestyle modifications remain the cornerstone therapy. Recently, it has been proven that not only the Mediterranean diet but the Mediterranean lifestyle as well, can benefit patients with NAFLD.

Watch the webinar now!


Read our Conference abstracts!

Abstracts from our 12th EFAD Conference, that took place in Berlin last year and saw research presented from all over Europe on a variety of topics, is now available to read online. Published by Karger in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism, it features the presented abstracts in detail.

Read the abstracts.


Global Updates

Need access to evidence-based dietetic resources?

PEN have created a temporary open access website for all dietitians and dietetic students. This is to support those on the front line or working virtually to provide evidence-based care and combat misinformation.

Click here to access the whole PEN knowledge-base system without having to log in.

A call for you to be a distributor

The European Health Forum Gastein 2019 that took place last year focused on transformative change for health and societal well-being. 

Participants looking for solution-oriented discussions included the European Commission, civil society representatives, key opinion leaders from the academic world, and private sector stakeholders from the pharmaceutical industry and beyond. 

Read the Outcomes document from the day.


Obesity and its roots

As part of World Obesity Day last month, WHO have produced a blog on obesity and its roots. 

Obesity rates have nearly tripled since 1975 and have increased almost five times in children and adolescents, affecting people of all ages from all social groups in both developed and developing countries. Obesity is a major risk factor for various noncommunicable diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and stroke, and various forms of cancer.

Read the blog to find out how WHO aims to respond to the obesity crisis.

Report: Nutrition for Geriatric Patients

The initiative meeting ‘Nutrition for Geriatric Patients’, held in Aarhus on 20 January 2020, was a great success.  

A number of presentations took place, including Charlotte Suetta, who emphasised 'the importance of strength training for the elderly' and Josephine Gade Bang-Petersen, who presented part of her PhD findings with the presentation ‘The importance of extra protein when older patients are offered training during and after hospitalisation’.

Find out more about the day.



European Public Health Week 2020

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Public Health Week (EUPHW) will go ahead on 11-15 May, with a new focus: Joining Forces for Healthier Populations. Governments, scientists, health professionals and the civil society must work together to tackle the pandemic and raise awareness about public health.

EUPHW is encouraging you and your team to host online events between 11-15 May to share knowledge and experiences about COVID-19. You can link the pandemic to any of the 5 EUPHW themes or focus your event exclusively on COVID-19 and share your event across Europe. 

Find out more and how to get involved on the European Public Health Association website.


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To help spread the Voice of European Dietetics across the continent, please share widely with your colleagues and ask them to subscribe. Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. you wish to be included in the next edition and note that going forward, EFAD Newsflash will be sent fortnightly.


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