
NdP_Dietistas-nutricionistas advierten de los peligros de consumir bebidas energéticas para "a…

30-05-2024 Hits:60 Actividades

El consumo de este tipo de bebidas entre los jóvenes ha aumentado casi un 10% en los últimos diez años, y el 50% de ellos afirma consumirlas con regularidad Manuel Moñino, pre... Read more

Fortnightly EFAD Newsflash April1


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Survey: Help us understand the obesity management situation in Europe

The EFAD European Specialist Dietetic Network for Obesity is running a survey to map the existing guidelines around the dietetic management of obesity in adults and children. Please fill in the survey, which should take less than 10 minutes.

Access the survey here

Join the new ESDN Obesity Facebook group here.


The high protein meal recipe competition is underway!

In collaboration with PROMISS, and supported by ENDietS, EFAD's high protein meal recipe competition is now open to dietitians, nutritionists and students.

Recipe submissions that meet all the criteria will be published in a recipe book to inspire older adults to create healthy, high protein meals.

Find out how you can get involved


EFAD European Dietetic Fellowship Award open for nominations

EFAD is calling for members to nominate fellow dietitians for an EFAD European Dietetic Fellowship Award.

The award, which is EFAD's highest honour, recognises those who have made a continuous outstanding and significant contribution to the advancement of dietetic practice, research or education, at a national, European, or international level.

Nominate a dietitian now


Call for EuHHAC Project officer


EFAD is recruiting a Project Officer for the European Healthy Hydration Awareness Campaign (EuHHAC). The deadline for applications is 20 April.

Find out more about the role - including how to apply - here.


Spotlight: REPBC

As part of a regular feature, we look at the amazing work EFAD's committees have recently achieved, and have planned over the coming months. This time it's the turn of the Research and Evidence Based Practice Committee (REPBC):

  • REBPC welcomed two new members - Eleanor Johnstone and Doris Eglseer - late last year.
  • REBPC evaluated the COVID-19 evidence on the EFAD website and updated the webpages to support dietitians engaging with the materials.
  • Two committee members, Sharleen O'Reilly and Eduard Baladia, contributed to a piece in the inaugural edition of the Kompass journal on COVID-19, exploring EFAD's response and what needs to be done more broadly in nutrition and dietetics for this area. 
  • Sharleen presented this work, with some additional analysis by Eduard and colleague Patricia Martínez, at the 10th International Nutrition and Dietetics e-Congress.
  • The REBPC report on dietetic working areas across Europe was finalised and the full report will be available on the EFAD website shortly. 
  • REBPC is developing a research in practice project that will be commencing this year.
  • REBPC will be working with the EFAD Congress Scientific Programme Committee to support research dissemination and developing a workshop for the pre-conference day.

REBPC committee members: Sharleen O'Reilly (pictured right), Meropi Kontogianni, Ludivine Soguel Alexander, Samantha Cushen, Eduard Baladia, Brian Power, Sofie Joossens, Eleanor Johnstone, Doris Eglseer.


From the EFAD journal

Article spotlight: How did the pandemic affect diabetes management?

In this knowledge transfer, What the COVID-19 pandemic showed us: Limited time resources as an important factor of diabetes management, Dr. Zoe Pafili from the Department of Clinical Nutrition in Evaggelismos General Hospital (Athens) discusses the effects of the measures taken to combat the COVID-19 spread on diabetes management.

Read the article for free here.


Subscribe to the ENDietS newsletter

ENDietS Talks is launching in the ENDietS newsletter, featuring monthly interviews related to nutrition and dietetics science. If you are a nutrition and/or dietetic student, don't miss out - subscribe to ENDietS Newsletter here.



Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute (INDI) shares update on latest projects

You can read a short summary - or download a more in-depth report - of what INDI has been working on recently on our website here.


70% discount available on IEDNC Diabetes Educator Course

This course, from Internationally Educated Dietitians Network of Canada (IEDNC), is designed to enhance your knowledge, teach the basic knowledge of diabetes, explore the complexities of diabetes management and advance the practice of a health professional or non-health professional to support individuals with diabetes. 

On completion of the course, dietitians receive IEDNC Certificate In Diabetes Education.

Find out how you can sign up today and save 70% ($354).


Europe must not turn its back on the Mediterranean diet

Behind each product with an EU quality seal penalized by Nutriscore, there are smallholder farmers, producers, agricultural workers and a whole industry hit hard by COVID-19, says Adrián Vázquez Lázara who is an MEP with the Renew Europe group. Read the article here.

EFAD’s position on nutrient profiling can be read here.


EU4Health programme enters into force

The Commission welcomed the enforcement of the EU4Health programme, marking the final step towards making €5.1 billion available to strengthen the resilience of health systems and promote innovation in the health sector.

Find out more here.

Commission backs transparency with new food regulation

What is the Transparency Regulation and what is its purpose? Two DG SANTE food directors discuss this question, and the key stages in bringing forward this important Regulation.

Read the article here.


Calls for submissions

Early career researchers encouraged to submit research on healthy hydration

Hydration for Health is encouraging researchers working on hydration to submit extracts to be in with a chance of pitching their work at the 13th Hydration for Health Digital conference on 23 June.
This is a great opportunity for talented students with an interest in water and fluid intake to discuss, be coached and challenged by experts, and improve presentation skills and public speaking.

The deadline is 16 AprilFind out more here.


Submit your gastroenterology 
abstracts for UEG Week Virtual

United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Week has become a premier world meeting offering a platform to present clinical and basic gastrointestinal and liver research.

If you want to share your science with the worldwide GI community, UEG Week Virtual is the platform for you. Find out more here. The deadline is 30 April.


Events and webinars

If you're attending a webinar or event that our members would love to hear about, let us know!

We are calling for EFAD members to get involved in live sharing of key info and summaries from events and webinars you're attending, so that we can share on the EFAD Twitter account. Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la.


9 April
7pm CET
ENDietS Webinar - Spillover effects of a food choice nudge in a practical environment

The Nudge Theory suggests cost-effective methods that have the potential to improve individuals’ healthy eating decisions which are often used as public health nutrition strategies.

This presentation will discuss what happens after someone’s food choice was nudged - the spillover effect.

Speaker: Iris Montez de Sousa (Portugal)

Register for the free webinar here.


15 April
10am CET
EU4Nutrition LIVE - Implementing optimal nutritional cancer care at EU member state level


The European Nutrition for Health Alliance, through its Portuguese team and the Portuguese Ministry of Health, will host a live digital conference to identify concrete implementation recommendations at EU member state level and to explain how patients and healthcare systems can benefit from Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

The preliminary programme is now available. Register for free here.


20 April
7pm CET
EFAD Webinar - Dietetic management of obesity in Europe: Gaps in current practice


EFAD's ESDN Obesity published 'Dietetic management of obesity in Europe: Gaps in current practice' in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Two surveys that collected data on existing dietetic guidelines and the current practice of dietitians in Europe highlighted the need for a more unified approach in the dietetic management of obesity in Europe.

Speaker: Dr. Antonis Vlassopoulos

Register for free here.


20 - 21 April
6th JPI HDHL conference

One of the main recurring issues of JPI HDHL's international conferences is how nutrition often falls in the gap between the themes of health and food.

JPI HDHL aims to ensure that nutrition research and policy receives the attention it deserves.

Find out more about the event, including speakers and details on how to register.


27 April
7pm CET
Practical implications on daily protein intake in older adults

Speakers: Dr. Ilse Reinders, Dr. Christine Yung Hung, Riikka Niskanen

Moderator: Dr. Amalia Tsagari, ESDN Older Adults

Greetings: Rob Wullems, PROMISS Project Officer

Register for free here.


17 - 21 May
European Public Health Week (EUPHW)

The EUPHW aims to make the case for public health and a more inclusive society across Europe, raise awareness on specific public health themes and create trust and innovative ways of collaboration among all professionals contributing to public health at local, national, regional and European level.

In each of the upcoming Newsflashes we will be revealing a theme for each of the five days, so you can prepare to get involved.

Wednesday, 19 May - Your local community

Local solutions are often impactful ways to tackle global public health problems. How can the main actors in your local community contribute to better health?

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EFAD partnering with European Public Health Week

EFAD will be the official partner for the fourth day (Thursday) of the European Public Health Week (EUPHW), 17-21 May. The theme is All for one health. Find out more about the day's topics here.

EFAD's ESDN for Publich Health will hold an event during the day - more details will be revealed soon.

Find out how you can get involved in the day, see which events are already planned and download tools to share on your own social media channels here.


Dietitians represented at VegMed

VegMed, Europe’s largest medical congress on plant-based nutrition, which took place earlier this month, featured a talk on Nutritional medicine in medical practice, hospitals and health care systems: Reality and opportunities.

An increasing number of doctors are interested in learning more about nutrition, increasing opportunities for detitians as educators and innovators to improve nutrition care for our patients and the public.

Representing EFAD at VegMed was Elaine Macaninch, a UK dietitian working in medical education, who highlighted that there are only 2.3 trained nutrition professionals per 100,000 population globally - but this is not enough.

Improving the integration of dietitians into healthcare can improve the timing of nutrition advice before medication, will allow early intervention to improve nutrition status as well as sharing expertise with colleagues and students.

Elaine left the panel with three top tips for medics to help advance medical nutrition in their practice:

  1. Ask first and assess nutrition priorities before giving advice.
  2. Collaborate to innovate and resist 'silo thinking'. Work with your local dietetic team or advocate for more of us to join your team.
  3. Co-design services with patients to better meet needs.

Helena Trigueiro from NNEdPro Global Centre for Nutrition and Health also represented the dietetic profession in a roundtable on How can health professionals support sound public health policies?

You can read both Elaine and Helen's reports on our website here.


EFAD collaborating with PROMISS for recipe competition

EFAD is organising a high protein meal recipe competition, which will be supported by ENDietS, in collaboration with PROMISS.

The competition will be open to dietitians, nutritionists and students. Stay tuned for further information soon.


Spotlight: ENDietS

The European Network of Dietetic Students (ENDietS) has a clear mission: To speak as one voice in name of European dietetic students and provide a platform to unite, connect and empower them.

Here is what ENDietS has planned (and already achieved) this year:

- The Promotion Committee held country meetings in February to create a promotion plan for each country ENDietS where has national representatives.

- Applications closed in March to recruit new members in three main strategic anchor positions and National Key Contacts from several European countries, who will be the bridge between their country's dietetic students and ENDietS.

- National Key Contacts General Meeting will be held at the end of April, and dietetic students representing ENDietS in their countries will have the chance to interact, share ideas, network and learn more about each other.

- ENDietS will be a main partner at the First European Students' Symposium "Diet and Health", organized by the Students' Association of Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology PROBION, in May.

- Students' Day 2021 will be held virtually in October.

- The protocol for partnerships between National Health Student Associations and ENDietS will be developed.

Follow ENDietS on social media to stay informed about all upcoming webinars - and stay tuned for a 'promising' competition in the upcoming weeks.


From the EFAD journal

Article spotlight: Challenges in Clinical Nutrition during the COVID-19 Pandemic

In this knowledge transfer, Christina N. Katsagoni from Agia Sofia Children’s Hospital in Athens: discusses a flow chart for optimising the nutrition management of COVID-19 patients in non-ICU wards; explains the challenges dietitians and healthcare professionals have faced in clinical nutrition; and reveals her own experiences of working throughout the pandemic in Greece.

Read the article for free here.



Join BAPEN as a student placement supervisor

BAPEN is looking for a Dietetic Student Placement Supervisor with relevant student training experience to formally act as supervisor for students undertaking their public health placements with BAPEN.

Click here to find out more - the deadline is 5pm on Friday 26 March.


Dietitian's Day 2021 takes place in Croatia

Three years ago, Croatian Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians launched an initiative to mark Croatian Dietitian's Day.

The Croatian Society brings together dietitians, nutritionists, food technology engineers, biotechnology engineers, doctors, nurses, students and people of all other professions interested in dietetic, clinical nutrition, nutrition, nutrition in public health and in the health service topics.

Dietitian's Day has since been involved in various activities aimed at professional education or public health actions in Croatia.

Find out what happened at this year's event


Report on EU policies affecting public health published

'An assessment of EU-level policies influencing food environments and priority actions to create healthy food environments in the EU' has been published by the JPI HDHL Policy Evaluation Network.

The aims of this research, which can be found here, are:

  1. To provide an overview of EU-level policies with a direct or indirect (potential) influence on food environments.
  2. To assess the strength of EU-level policies and infrastructure support and identify implementation gaps, by non-government, independent experts.
  3. To identify and prioritise policy and infrastructure support actions to create healthy food environments in the EU, taking into account importance, achievability and equity, by non-government, independent experts.

How healthy are children's eating habits?

Results from the World Health Organization (WHO) European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative have been published - prompting WHO to declare that action is urgently needed to promote healthy eating habits among children in all the countries of the European Region.

According to the findings, which present the dietary habits of 132,489 children, 78.8% eat breakfast, but just 42.5% consume fresh fruit and 22.6% consume vegetables every day.

Find out more.

Less salt for a longer life

WHO recommends that we consume less than 5g of salt per day, yet the average daily salt consumption in the European Region ranges between 8g and 19g per day – well above this recommendation. Evidently, more action must be taken to stem the health risks of a high-salt diet.

A core priority of the European Programme of Work 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health in Europe” is ensuring health and wellbeing for all, at all ages, which is supported by lower salt consumption.

Read how a family doctor in Portugal educates her patients about the risk of high salt intake.

Food waste prevention event available to re-watch

The 10th meeting of the EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste was held virtually last week, which discussed recent developments in food loss and waste prevention across the EU, as well as on an international level. Click here to download the agenda and view the presentations.

Watch the event back


Read the latest news from PEN

The March PEN eNews update has been published - you can access it here.


Calls for submissions

Early career researchers encouraged to submit research on healthy hydration

Hydration for Health is encouraging researchers working on hydration to submit extracts to be in with a chance of pitching their work at the 13th Hydration for Health Digital conference on 23 June.
This is a great opportunity for talented students with an interest in water and fluid intake to discuss, be coached and challenged by experts, and improve presentation skills and public speaking.

The deadline is 16 April. Find out more here.


Initiative to defeat obesity and diabetes offers chance to win funding up to $100,000

Novo Nordisk, together with EAT, has launched The Healthy Food Challenge, inviting community stakeholders and private businesses to prevent obesity through solutions that advance healthy and sustainable food environments for vulnerable people.

They are looking for innovative solutions to increase access to, educate and encourage choosing healthy, nutritious foods.

The best three ideas will win funding up to $100,000 (USD) to pilot their implementation.

Get involved


Events and webinars

26 March
12pm CET
EFAD Education and LLL Committee Webinar - "INPRO: Interprofessionalism in action"

The INPRO project is a three year Erasmus+ co-funded project which aims to align interprofessional education and collaboration in practice, using promising regional experiences for international exchange.

Seven partners from Austria, Belgium, Finland and The Netherlands, organised in regional partnerships of a HEI plus a rehabilitation center, have started to collaborate on this important topic.

Register for the webinar here.


30 March
2pm or 7pm CET (two options)
Eat Well Global Webinar: Food, Nutrition, Trust, and Influence: Consumer Insights from Around the Globe

The Eat Well Global team has conducted a global survey from over 8,000 consumers in 13 countries - this webinar will bring you the latest insights, including:

  • Which professionals are the most trusted and the most frequently consulted for information on nutrition and healthy eating?
  • What was the most researched nutrition topic in 2020?
  • What types of foods are perceived to have the highest nutritional value for consumers around the world?

Register for the webinar here.


31 March - 4 April
10th International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress

Organised by EFAD Education Associate Member Hacettepe University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, the event will be held online this year.

There will be a variety of conferences, panels and presentations across five days from speakers around the world. Click here to access the event programme and register here.


9 April
7pm CET
ENDietS Webinar - "Spillover Effects of a Food Choice Nudge in a Practical Environment"

The Nudge Theory suggests cost-effective methods that have the potential to improve individuals’ healthy eating decisions which are often used as public health nutrition strategies.

This presentation will discuss what happens after someone’s food choice was nudged - the spillover effect.

Speaker: Iris Montez de Sousa (Portugal)

Register for the free webinar here.


15 April
10am CET
EU4Nutrition LIVE - Implementing Optimal Nutritional Cancer care at EU member state level


The European Nutrition for Health Alliance, through its Portuguese team and the Portuguese Ministry of Health, will host a live digital conference to identify concrete implementation recommendations at EU member state level and to explain how patients and healthcare systems can benefit from Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

Register for free here.


20 - 21 April
6th JPI HDHL conference

One of the main recurring issues of JPI HDHL's international conferences is how nutrition often falls in the gap between the themes of health and food.

JPI HDHL aims to ensure that nutrition research and policy receives the attention it deserves.

Find out more about the event, including speakers and details on how to register.


17 - 21 May
European Public Health Week (EUPHW)

The EUPHW aims to make the case for public health and a more inclusive society across Europe, raise awareness on specific public health themes and create trust and innovative ways of collaboration among all professionals contributing to public health at local, national, regional and European level.

In each of the upcoming Newsflashes we will be revealing a theme for each of the five days, so you can prepare to get involved.

Tuesday, 18 May - New challenges in mental health

"Loneliness and isolation caused by COVID-19 and its mitigation have aggravated mental health problems in Europe. How can we build better supportive systems to help those in need?"


4 November
nutritionDay Worldwide


The aim of nutritionDay worldwide is to improve knowledge and awareness of malnutrition in health care institutions and to overall enhance the quality of nutritional care.

View the latest newsletter and find out how you can get involved here.

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Join in with the conversation on social media and have your say on the advice, research and events that are taking place over Europe. Follow our social media platforms to get connected and involved.


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Calling all students: Join the ENDietS team

The EFAD's European Network of Dietetic Students (ENDietS) is currently recruiting for the following positions:

  • Junior Promotion & Recruitment Anchor 
  • Junior Conference Anchor 
  • Social Media Anchor
  • National Key Contacts from France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Ireland, Sweden, Lithuania, Italy, Poland, Germany, and Spain

If you are an enthusiastic active nutrition or dietetic student (undergraduate, MSc, PhD) and want to become a member of ENDietS, find out more about each role and how to apply here. The deadline for application for all roles is 5 March.


Public Health ESDN attends workshop on processed foods

Teresa Rodrigues, from the Public Health ESDN represented EFAD in the workshop organised by the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) which invited stakeholders from various fields.

Here are the key points Teresa shared:

  • Most foods are processed to some degree, so it’s important to make clear the difference between processed and ultra-processed foods
  • Consumers usually associate processed foods with the use of additives, mass production and packaged food
  • Health professionals should invest in teaching their community about processed foods and their effects on health and the environment
  • There seems to be disagreement among professionals on differentiating processed and highly processed foods and the usefulness of ultra-processed foods for vulnerable groups, which is a worrying reality of the food aid distribution programs
  • It is important to adopt a consensus, especially in information aimed at consumers, to increase the population's food literacy and work for 'one health' - and to reach a clear and robust regulation to protect consumers from abusive practices of the food industry
  • We need evidence-based communication and multidisciplinary teams with public health dietitians to promote healthy and sustainable food consumption based on seasonal and regional foods, which also promotes the circular economy.

The results of this workshop will be published in a peer-reviewed publication.


Don't forget to submit your entries for the next edition of the EFAD journal

The second issue of the EFAD Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics will be published in April - there's still time to submit information from your society or country for the Kaleidoscope or Calendar of Events.

The Kaleidoscope section offers a space to share new initiatives or research from your organisation. 

Please submit copy (max 2,000 characters) along with a headline, any graphics or imagery, and the name, logo and address of the relevant institute/organisation.

If you have an event you'd like to include, please supply the name, details, location and web link.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March. Please send submissions to the journal coordinator Elke Naumann at Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la..



Healthcare professionals called on to promote COVID-19 vaccination

The Coalition for Vaccination, convened by the European Commission, brings together European associations of healthcare professionals and relevant students' associations in the field, as well as associated professional organisations working in the field of public health and immunisation, to promote vaccination against COVID-19.

It has underlined three key reasons why all healthcare professionals should get vaccinated against COVID-19 when they have the opportunity to do so and why they should help promote the vaccination among the general public. Their health is paramount for the functioning of health systems, even more so in times of crisis.

Read the article (sign-in required)

COVID-19 vaccination - what you need to know as a health professional

The Health Policy Platform Webinar on 10 February aimed to respond to questions and concerns that health professionals might have about COVID-19 vaccines amid the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination campaigns in EU Member States.

Via its EU Strategy for COVID-19 vaccines, the Commission has secured access for Member States to these vaccines, and with three vaccines having been authorised for the EU market from BioNTech-Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, vaccination is ongoing, with a focus on priority groups such as health professionals.

Click here to view the presentation about the safety aspects of the COVID-19 vaccine on our website.

You can find out more about the speakers and access further presentations here (sign in required).

Stay up to date with the latest health news from the European Commission - sign up to join the EU Health Policy Platform for free.

EUFIC launches innovative micronutrient tool

The European Food Information Council's (EUFIC) new interactive and colourful resource provides clear and actionable science-based information about vitamins and minerals and emphasises the importance of a varied and balanced diet to get all the necessary nutrients.

Each article contains visuals and is easy to understand, and can be used by educators and health professionals.

Access it here


Calls for submissions

Last chance to apply for awards for obesity work ahead of #ECO2021

Alpro Foundation calls for research submissions


The European Association for the Study of Obesity offers several prestigious awards for scientific excellence at #ECO2021.

Early career professionals are invited to join the New Investigator United Network and to apply for awards in Basic Science, Clinical Research, Public Health and Childhood Obesity Research.

The deadline is 28 February.

Plus, you can submit and share any late breaking abstracts with the global obesity community. The deadline is 12 March. See full details on the #ECO2021 website.

Alpro Foundation is calling for systematic reviews or meta-analysis with a research question focused on cardiometabolic health.

The aim is to understand the role of plant-based eating patterns,plant-based foods and dietary patterns on cardiometabolic health, weight management, MAFLD (metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease), obesity and diabetes.

The deadline for submitting a short proposal is 15 May. Find out more here.

The Scientific Advisory Committee of Alpro Foundation will shortlist proposals, and a research grant should begin in 2022.


Events and webinars

1 - 4 March
Odisee's International Week

Odisee University of Applied Sciences is an EFAD Education Associate Member.

Its International Week in 2021, open to staff members and management from partner universities interested in knowing more about the way Odisee works, will be held online.

The main topics are global engagement and internationalisation at home.

Register here.


4 March
10am - 12.30pm CET
European Obesity Policy Conference

The European Association for the Study of Obesity and The European Coalition for People Living with Obesity are organising the annual European Obesity Policy Conference which will be held online.

This is a high-level conference on the European obesity epidemic and the crucial role and impact of prevention and treatment.

Register here.


8 - 12 March
Thomas More International Days: 
“Intrapreneurship - innovate within the organisation”

The 16th edition of International Days will take place this year, featuring keynote speaker Thierry Geerts, Country Director at Google Belgium.

Thomas More is an EFAD Education Associate Member. Its International Days aim to bring together its partners to share their expertise, give online guest lectures, network and much more - inspiring perspectives, policies and practices from all over the globe.

Find out more about the event on our website here.


9 March
7pm CET
ENDietS Webinar - Diet and Gut Microbiota: Their role in the development of Cardiovascular Diseases

This webinar will discuss data from a systematic review and meta-analysis, evaluating the effectiveness of diet in modulating the gut microbiota composition and improving cardiovascular biomarkers in overweight/obese people.

Speaker Nina Padrón is a Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist with a Master's in Translational Medicine Research at the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.

Register for free here.


26 March
12pm CET
EFAD Education and LLL Committee Webinar - INPRO: Interprofessionalism in action

The INPRO project is a three year Erasmus+ co-funded project which aims to align interprofessional education and collaboration in practice, using promising regional experiences for international exchange.

Seven partners from Austria, Belgium, Finland and The Netherlands, organised in regional partnerships of a HEI plus a rehabilitation center, have started to collaborate on this important topic.

Register for the webinar here.


31 March - 4 April
10th International Nutrition and Dietetics Congress

Organised by EFAD Education Associate Member Hacettepe University, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, the event will be held online this year.

There will be a variety of conferences, panels and presentations across five days from speakers around the world. Click here to access the event programme and register here.

Should you wish to submit your own research, you can submit your abstracts online by 5 March here.


17 - 21 May
European Public Health Week (EUPHW)

The EUPHW aims to:

  • Make the case for public health and a more inclusive society across Europe
  • Raise awareness and amplify existing messages on five specific public health themes, in line with key organisations at European level
  • Create trust and innovative ways of collaboration among all professionals contributing to public health at local, national, regional and European level

We will be sharing more information on each of the five themes across future newsflashes, but if you want to find out more now click here.


Job opportunities

The British Nutrition Foundation (UK) is currently looking for a Nutrition Research Manager and a Communications OfficerFind out more about the roles, deadlines and how to apply here.


Spoon Guru (UK) is searching for a new Head of Health and Sustainability to help them impact on changing shopping behaviour with retailers around the world to impact healthier and more sustainable choices.

Click here to read the job advert and submit enquiries and applications to Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la..


The Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science at Umeå University (Sweden) is recruiting a Professor. The position focuses on meals in a professional context, from the perspectives of professionals and customers/guests. Find out more and apply here.

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EFAD News _Feb2021


Submit your entries for the next edition of the journal

The second issue of Kompass Nutrition and Dietetics will be published in April - there's still time to submit information from your society or country for the Kaleidoscope or Calendar of Events.

The Kaleidoscope section offers a space to share new initiatives or research from your organisation. 

Please submit copy (max 2,000 characters) along with a headline, any graphics or imagery, and the name, logo and address of the relevant institute/organisation.

If you have an event you'd like to include, please supply the name, details, location and web link.

The deadline for submissions is 15 March. Please send submissions to the journal coordinator Elke Naumann at Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la..


ESDN PH responds to public consultation on food labelling and nutrient profiling

The European Specialist Dietetic Network for Public Health Dietitians (ESDN PH) responded to the public consultation launched by the European Commission regarding front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labelling and nutrient profile schemes.

The ESDN PH fully supports the adoption of the Farm to Fork Strategy, as well the proposal for a harmonised mandatory front-of-pack (FOP) nutrition labelling and the revision of the Regulation on food information to consumers. The ESDN PH strongly recommend the involvement of public health dietitians in the process. The full response highlights the need:

  • to increase citizens’ food literacy
  • to harmonise the use of FOP labelling, rather than opting for one scheme in particular
  • to harmonise nutrient profile systems as a way to facilitate a meaningful and consistent labelling scheme across EU, which reinforces Art. 4 RE 1924/2006.

Manuel Moniño, Lead of ESDN PH


Join one of our European Specialist Dietetic Networks

There is still time to apply to join one of EFAD's ESDN committees. Please click here to see which roles are available. The deadline is 25 February.



ESPEN guidelines now available on app

The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) now offers three of its guidelines on the ESPEN guideline app - clinical nutrition in cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, and clinical nutrition in liver disease - with more guidelines to follow.

The guideline app and the website are dedicated to professionals who encounter questions regarding the use of medical nutrition or nutritional support in general in their clinical everyday life. The guideline app programme is supported by ESPEN, the United European Gastroenterology (UEG), and the Medical Nutrition International Industry (MNI).

The app is available for download for iOS and Android and as a web-based version accessible at for free.


Planning a stronger European Health Union

'A vision for a healthier European Union'

In her first State of the Union address, drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen highlighted the need to build a stronger European Health Union.

The Commission president also relaunched the idea of rethinking health competence, which is currently in member states’ hands. Europe’s Beating Cancer plan (find out more below) is a main priority of the Commission, and the development of the plan kicked off on 4 February 2020, followed by an extensive stakeholder consultation.

As part of the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027, the webinar 'A vision for a healthier European Union' took place last month - here are some of the highlights:

  • €1 billion will be spent on health in EU between 2021-2027 (only €400m was spent over the last seven years)
  • Health workforce will increase
  • Non-communicable diseases account for 80% of health burden - 20% of the budget should go to prevention and health promotion
  • EFAD and our members can, and will, play a role in delivering the EU's 'vision for a healthier European Union'

World Health Summit welcomes new President

Help spill the beans

Axel Pries is the new President of the World Health Summit, succeeding founder Detlev Ganten who is moving to an advisory role after 12 years.

Mr Pries said 2020 highlighted "the crucial importance of international, interdisciplinary, and intersectoral cooperation" and added: "To achieve that, we need to continuously improve our collaboration.

"In the face of the global threat posed by COVID-19, it is our duty as researchers, to use our accumulated expertise to combat the virus and develop therapies."

Catholic University of Portugal is coordinating a Citizen Science experiment that aims to distribute 1,000 common bean varieties to citizens across Europe as part of the INCREASE project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon.

Participants can plant these beans in their gardens, patios, balconies, school gardens and help promote genetic diversity of legumes in Europe.

Find out more here.


New report on how global food system is impacting on biodiversity loss

Biodiversity is declining faster than at any time in human history, according to a new report by Chatham House. This paper explores the role of the global food system as the principal driver of accelerating biodiversity loss.

It explains how food production is degrading or destroying natural habitats and contributing to species extinction and discusses how a change in dietary patterns is needed to reduce food demand and encourage more plant-based diets.

Find out more here (sign-up required).



Policy and Strategy Updates

European Commission presents €4bn Europe’s Beating Cancer plan

ENHA and its partners, including EFAD, have collaborated to build EU level relationships with the aim to integrate nutritional care in EU health policies such as Europe’s Beating Cancer plan. We are therefore very pleased to share that nutritional support has become part of the cancer plan, within a 'Inter-specialty cancer training programme' workforce.
However, ENHA also strives for more. Under the ‘EU4Nutrition’ flag, ENHA and its members and partners remain dedicated to developing a high level of interaction with the Commission, Committees, Members of European Parliament and other stakeholders to further drive implementation of nutritional screening and optimal nutritional care. Our call to action states: "If you are serious about health, you should be serious about nutrition."
In the coming months, ENHA will interact even more closely with the ONCA countries to ensure full implementation of the plan at Member State level.

Download the Europe’s Beating Cancer fact sheet here.


Job opportunities

Eat Well Global has two exciting new positions within its European team – Vice President and Account Manager (click on the job titles to find out more).

Both virtual-based roles offer an excellent opportunity to support the organisation's dynamic work in food, agriculture and nutrition, interfacing with high-profile clients.


The British Nutrition Foundation (UK) is currently looking for a Nutrition Research Manager and a Communications OfficerFind out more about the roles, deadlines and how to apply here.


Spoon Guru (UK) is searching for a new Head of Health and Sustainability to help them impact on changing shopping behaviour with retailers around the world to impact healthier and more sustainable choices.

Click here to read the job advert and submit enquiries and applications to Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la..


The Department of Food, Nutrition and Culinary Science at Umeå University (Sweden) is recruiting a Professor. The position focuses on meals in a professional context, from the perspectives of professionals and customers/guests. Find out more and apply here.


Events and webinars

16 February
Greens/EFA and United European Gastroenterology (UEG) Webinar
11am - 12pm CET

Understanding the Human Microbiome: The link to obesity and liver disease

Take part in a lively discussion where expert speakers will explore the links between gut microbiome, nutrition, obesity and liver diseases.

Register here.

22 February
ESPEN Webinar
3pm - 4.20pm CET

ESPEN holds its first webinar, in which the ESPEN Practical guideline on Nutrition in Cancer Patients will be discussed from a multidisciplinary point of view. 

Representing EFAD, Dr. Harriët Jager-Wittenaar will speak about the dietitian perspective.

Click here to access the programme and register for free here.

22 February, 24 February, 8 March, 10 March
EASO Advocating on Obesity 2021 Online Workshop Series
5.30pm - 7.30pm CET

This workshop series draws on research and good practices from across Europe to explore how we can engage with policymakers and other stakeholders to shift the dial on obesity policy.

Register for free here (please note you are required to attend all four events).


17 - 21 May
European Public Health Week

The European Public Health Week (EUPHW) aims to:

  • Make the case for public health and a more inclusive society across Europe
  • Raise awareness and amplify existing messages on five specific public health themes, in line with key organisations at European level
  • Create trust and innovative ways of collaboration among all professionals contributing to public health at local, national, regional and European level

Find out how you can get involved.

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To help spread the Voice of European Dietetics across the continent, please share widely with your colleagues and ask them to subscribe. Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. you wish to be included in the next edition and note that going forward, EFAD Newsflash will be sent fortnightly.


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